Apa sih Au Pair itu ?

Au-pair is one year cultural exchange program. An Au-pair is male or female between the ages of 18-31 who will spend a period of time maximum 1 year in a foreign country while living with a host family to help them with childcare and household duties. The work may vary from, for example, doing groceries or cooking every now and then. Au-pair programs were originally designed with the intent for people to come together and exchange cultures, thus an au pair usually lives with a family in a foreign country while learning their language and exploring their culture.

Being an Au-pair for a family, and in turn, staying in their home, the Au-pair tends to participate in many of the family activites and is treated as part of the family. The family will provide room, board, and pocket money. Therefore, participating in an au pair program can be a very exciting and interesting experience for both the au pair and the family. The au pair respects the house family and is willing to the new environment.

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